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Anxiety & Bondage

The most basic definition of anxiety and it’s resulting symptoms can be summarized by stating that a person can experience intense and extreme persistent worry and excessive fear about everyday situations resulting in a higher heart rate, rapid breathing, sweating, and exhaustion. Now, if you actually experience anxiety you know that the above statement is more like a sugarcoated way of briefly describing the tip of an anxiety ice burg.
Anxiety symptoms can range from a debilitating fear of leaving the home, to mumbling and social fumbling, black spots behind the eyes and fainting, cold sweats, over heated, nausea, sweaty palms, nervousness, crying, anger and agitation, and depression. These are just a few symptoms and for many people they experience these at different levels and to different degrees. There are prescriptions you can have prescribed as well as working with a therapist that can all help with anxiety and dealing with anxiety.

Now, one of the techniques/tricks/tools I’ve learned while dealing with my own anxiety is that bondage wear can help drastically cut down on any social anxiety I may be experiencing while out at events or social functions where there are large crowds. As a public speaker and someone who is use to big crowds it may sound funny to hear that I experience anxiety about these situations, but like many of you – I do.When I’m in a heavily crowded place my anxiety can start to go through the roof – I worry about taking up space, I worry about bumping in to others, I don’t want other people bumping in to me… the list goes on. And I’ve found that bondage wear helps; a collar/choker, or wearing a harness over the clothing or under drastically cuts down on the anxiety. Why? Simple: for me it feels like I’m in a constant embrace. I feel secure and safe. Which then translates to my entire being that we’re good; my posture straightens, eye contact is no issue, body bumps are no problem, my confidence feels boosted, and having that constant embrace makes me feel almost invincible. Like I could take on the world and do it confidently because I’ve got that support in place.

How many of you Loves experience anxiety attack’s? I’m right there with you. My heart beat will pick up, I’ll start getting the nervous sweats, my skin feels like it’s got creepy crawlers scurrying about, my vision tunnels and it can feel like I’m drowning – catching my breath at that point almost feels impossible. A harness actually helps me deal with this: having the constant reassuring pressure on my chest helped to anchor me and by focusing on that slight pressure I’m able to concentrate not only on the moment at hand but the situation at hand; part of my social anxiety is caused by the constant what if’s in my head (tripping, saying something stupid and embarrassing, outfit disaster). So a harness, for me, is like a reassuring hug that say’s “Hey – stop future tripping bitch you got this!”

Now Loves, I want to point out that scientifically there is also backing that engaging in BDSM activities (Yes, even just wearing the bondage wear) leaves people with lower levels of stress and an increase in cortisol levels which could be attributed to the non-judgmental environment while also experiencing physical intensity and letting go of expectations leaving the person feeling free and therefore releasing tension and anxiety. Often compared to the sensation of a “runner’s high” or mind space of a yoga practitioner.
So in summary; it’s not just about the pleasure but about the feelings the bondage wear can create in the wearer, it’s about feeling secure and safe and allowing that item to help create a sense of safety within yourself.

Huge shout out to my bestie Tami of House Of Winter for shooting this set and Bawdy Love for sponsoring this amazing harness Hecate set, this set had me feeling like a sexy goddess safe and secure in her own skin!!
Had to throw in there that this article was inspired by @iharterika and the incredible work that she does!
And last but certainly not least lol my hubby for just being him (Yes, that’s my husband in the set with me).
Until next time my Loves,
Kat XO