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Amazing Intimacy Box Review

Dating is what led you to committing to your partner and as your relationship grows there will be times where it can feel like the intimacy your sharing is growing stale. So how do you spice things up? Well, The Amazing Intimacy Box has a few ideas!
What the box contains: a beautiful printed throw, MY JOY Collection A touch of Honey body dust, wireless Bluetooth speaker, two blank hard bound journals and a couple of prompts to get you Love birds going!

The cards… I have to say I loved these cards and the fact that they where themed and geared towards summer play but also had fun and naughty themes for role playing where a series plus! The office, the lake, a late night romp! So much Fun! For example, Card Two – Stranger in the Elevator: the role playing aspect was naughty and we enjoyed the scenario – immensely! It’s not an aspect we’ve particularly explored so it was nice to get out of our heads and do something a little new.

My favorite item in the box, this is hubby’s vote for favorite item as well, had to be the My Joy Collection A Touch of Honey raspberry chocolate sexy body dust! Tasted phenomenal, didn’t clump up when we got sweaty, and didn’t make us sticky. I love an easy clean up 😉

The wireless Bluetooth was such a nice touch, definitely help to set the mood and helped us to get in a positive and relaxed mindset after running around most of that morning. The throw that was included was also a nice touch, the bright pattern definitely helped to brighten our little summer “afternoon rendezvous” 😉

I have to say that having a toddler can leave very little alone time for partners, usually by the end of the day you are both exhausted and ready to sleep so taking the time to set some much needed “Adult time” for your relationship is so important. It doesn’t have to be an expensive trip or huge getaway – here hubby and I snuck out on our balcony while our little one was napping. Even if it’s on a time limit-one on one time is imperative. Romance and intimacy are what help keep relationships going so taking the time to invest in that relationship is just as important as taking a little me time for some healthy self care.
Until next time Loves,
Kat XO