Lifestyle,  Mental Health,  self love

3 Items That Helped My Migraines

These items will change the way you manage that migraine pain!

As someone who suffers from chronic migraines due to a pinched nerve and TMJ, I can tell you that I understand migraine pain. The piercing knife like sensation when the light is too bright, the crushing heaviness when each little sound is like a drummer playing a ballad in your eardrums, the agony and the unrelenting pain that can be just crippling. As an added bonus I’m also someone who has an intolerance for most medications due to an intestinal issue so pills for pain management are completely out. These items I’ll be listing below have done wonders in my effort to help manage my pain and break my migraine cycles. And I’m truly hoping they will also help some of you!

The first item we have is called the Thumper, no seriously this bug lug is called The Thumper Sport Percussive Massager and when I tell you this thing lives up the “Thumper” name, I’m not kidding. With five intensity levels you can reasonably work out most tension in the neck and shoulder area. I’ve also used on my wrists when carpal tunnel has been bad and my thighs from over extending in yoga. This little thumper has been a game changer. Super easy to use too – simple on/off switch and small dial for intensity level.

Shop the Thumper here!

The next item I want to share with all of you is the Massage Gun Professional Deep Tissue Massager, it’s an electric handheld percussion massage gun for full body muscle recovery and pain. This little baby is perfect for pinpointing the exact location of that ache or pain. It comes with six different heads to work different areas of the body (little pamphlet of which head works best for which areas is also included). Now this massage gun has twenty levels of intensity, yes that’s right -20!! The low setting is great for my hands and arthritis, the mid settings help relax my jaw muscles after a long night of clenching and grinding (I do wear a mouth-guard but that only helps so much) and the higher intensities help to release tension in my muscles and nerves when those really bad migraines begin to set in. Surprisingly enough this gun is super quiet compared the vibrating thumper above – so if your experiencing sound sensitivity then this is the massage gun I’d grab to use. Pretty easy to use: power button on bottom of handle, led panel shows intensity level and battery level – the zip up case it comes in works great for storing it!

Shop Massage Gun Here!

Third on our list of head pain game changer is the Elviros Cervical Memory Foam Pillow – now, this is an ergonomic contour pillow for neck and shoulder pain. Side sleepers, you are gonna wanna check this item out especially! So this beauty comes in standard or queen size ( I ordered the queen) and four color choices of white, blue, grey, and dark grey. It is memory foam and machine washable! Their contour design perfectly aligns your head, neck, shoulders and back. The slope keeps your noggin stable while relieving stress in the cervical vertebrae and spine. This pillow also has a couple other incredible features like the difference in the two heights of the pillow – one side is higher than the other so for back sleepers with cervical issues can sleep on the higher side with 2 horns as this side provides better support for the head and cervical, so as to keeps your neck properly aligned with the rest of your body. All the other back/side sleepers can sleep on the lower side for the particular support they need.

So let me just say that when I switched to using this pillow my rest went from fitful to restful overnight. Let me explain a bit, I have a dislocated shoulder that pops out of place whenever it wants (hello pinched nerve caused from this injury) and I’m a side sleeper who also has TMJ, which is a horrible combination for migraines! My migraine cycles are constant because of these factors. I was getting up three, four times a night from my arm going numb because I slept on it wrong and tweaked it too far, clenching my jaw too hard and coming awake to instant crushing tension behind my ears and at the hinging of my jaw, add in the neck pain and being unable to find a comfortable enough position using regular pillows – sleep was just not restful for me. These migraines where just doing me in. Using it that first night was incredible, I slept through the whole night. Loves, when I say this is monumental…this is monumental. I remembered what restful sleep felt like and it was wonderful. And I have had a great night’s sleep, every night for two weeks now and I can say without a doubt that this pillow has helped decrease my migraine cycle immensely, I went from daily migraines to manageable headaches and experiencing migraine pain to every third day or so, for me that’s huge. I’ll check back and update my experience with this pillow in the coming months. Feeling a bit like goldilocks – tried sleeping with one pillow and wasn’t enough, tried sleeping with two pillows and made it worse, but this memory foam pillow is just right!

Shop Cervical Memory Foam Pillow Here!

These three items have been game changers when it comes to managing my chronic migraine pain, and someone who get’s your pain I truly hope these items will help you on your journey as well.

Until next time,
Kat XO

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