
Hello Loves!

Welcome to Kat Stroud XO! So excited to have you here with us! Just a little introduction! We cover everything from fat positivity to plus fashion, mental health and self love, to parenting! We like being eclectic and cover a broad range of topics.

So let’s dive right in, I’d like to take a moment to introduce myself, my name is Kat Stroud. I identify as she/her and respect all others and their pronouns. I am a bisexual woman who happens to be in a CIS appearing relationship and I do like to discuss aspects of my relationship to help others relate who are in similar relationships. As a community member of the LGBTQIA+ I just want to state that this blog is a safe space.

I happen to be the Mother to a wonderful little toddler who is full of energy and is on the brink of her very own journey to growth and will occasionally share parenting tips and tricks that have helped me over the years. I love finding fun craft and DIY projects, literature, and resources to share – so keep a look out for those posts my fellow parents and guardians.

As an eclectic and outgoing old-soul I live a simple and wonderful life with my husband and our fur babies. I’m an active member of local charity groups as I believe in giving back, a speaker for the ending of body shaming, a petite plus model, and an author having several pieces published over the years with Bustle, Huffington Post, FabuPlus, and mentions in Teen Vogue and Reader’s Digest.

I love inspiring others to push their own boundaries and dress the way they truly want by investing in garments that make them feel confident!

So again, Welcome Loves and I’m so excited to have you all here with me on this adventure!

Kat XO