
FabUPlus Spring Issue ‘18: Crossing Off Bucket List Goal

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If you had told my sixteen year old self that someday I’d be able to walk in to a mainstream nationwide known store and buy a publication with my face in it and an article I wrote myself… I probably would have laughed and then cried. Why? Well for starters I wouldn’t have believed it. I’ve always been a fat woman. Literally, since grade school I have been plus size and I’ve spent so much of my life hiding behind self deprecating humor and clothing meant to shrink my size while hating my body and the way the world viewed it. Plus bodies gaining any positive media attention was (and still is) a huge deal and while looking up to only a handful of plus women who attained some notoriety, it was hard to see myself as beautiful or worthy of positive attention. Fast forward a decade or so and you have one heart skipping moment for lil’ ole me. Seeing my plus body and in lingerie accompanied by my words and thoughts in a publication like this… well like the title says it’s a bucket list dream goal that I can now cross of my list!

And if there is one thing I could pass forward from this experience it’d be to help inspire women and men to know and love themselves just the way they are! There is No Weight Requirement for success, love, and happiness. Self confidence is knowing your strengths and positive qualities and using them to improve your world and the lives of those around you – it has nothing to do with what size jeans you may wear. It took me years to stop beating myself up for not being thin enough and it also took me years to balance what was healthy for me while enjoying my life; FAT was always a bad word that equaled to ugly and lazy. Well, No More. This fat lady was bullied relentlessly, told I was a waste of space and that beauty was not meant for plus bodies like mine. Well guess what? It Is meant for me and it’s meant for YOU too.
This moment for me is a huge F*** You to the bullies who think they have the right to police or judge other’s bodies and I’m truly happy to be sharing it with you all. It honestly represents my determination to use the pain created by years of teasing and torment and turning those negatives into a great big fat positive.
I would love to hear your #bulliedintogreatness moments… Did you take up space and not apologize for it? Have you overcome a social fear like wearing a swimsuit in public? Did you try something a little more daring then the regular wardrobe you usually wear? Share it using the tag and watch my instastories for a special shout out – I want to share in your positive moments and create a positive community where we can cheer on those successes no matter how big or small!
Kat Xo

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