Plus Size Fashion

Where is the Body Diversity when it comes to Photography Art?

I have a bone to pick with designers/creators/costumers: where are the fat bodies at? I’m not talking about slim bodies in fat suits or making a joke out of plus bodies. No, what I’m referring to are the stylish campaigns like we see with high fashion events and magazine editorials. Now a dear friend of mine would tell me to stop complaining and do something about changing this situation – so Tami (my bestie and go-to photographer) of  House Of Winter   and I decided we would do just that! I’d provide the voluptuous body and Tami not only created the head piece but she also customized the swimsuit…oh, and she did my makeup! Now I would like to point out that Tami has been creating amazing looks and costumes for me for five years now and as a photographer and designer she is all about shooting all shapes, sizes, and walks of life and has been creating her art for many years!
Every element of this image from the pose to the costume to the background to the way she shot this image and edited it; it truly is a work of art and *gasp* it’s on a plus body! So I decided to pick Tami’s brain and get her input as a creator and fabricator – What gives? Why do we not see more plus bodies in these fantasy/costume editorials, why do so many designers and creators leave out the plus? And her response wasn’t a surprise. It’s not so much about the cost of the extra fabric or materials (because it’s very small), it’s the amount of effort that goes in to costuming a bigger body: patterns have to be adjusted, embellishments take more time because there is more real estate to cover, and designs HAVE to be tweaked to make the fit right. So you may be asking yourself, what’s the big deal with having to add a little extra effort in to creating a look for a plus body?  It took Tami almost the same amount of time to create this look as she did for a size 2 model also shooting this series, she had to spend a little bit longer on my suit only because there was more fabric to cover. Now, this might not ring true with other designers or creators but it does make a little sense when you consider “mainstream plus fashion” labels and how a lot of the times the patterns are very obviously not altered in places they should be and how many brands are all about the fast way of getting that money by cashing in on the BoPo community and truly not caring or considering their plus customers. A topic for another time 😉
Now I’m not saying there aren’t other photographers and designers out there creating beauty with bigger bodies, there are, but what I want to see is a body like mine in artistic campaigns and editorials that are introduced to mainstream media. I want to see runway shows with size 24 models rocking the runway with as much coverage as the VS Angels runway show, I want to see elaborate designs for plus size bodies and I want it to be in society’s face. Fat does not mean we are not beautiful. Plus size bodies deserve just as much adoration as thinner bodies and we are not going to allow to be hidden. So here I am changing the situation with the help of one incredibly talented friend, and we will continue to do so. I can only hope that with the body positive community demanding change that we will get to that point.
I’d love to hear what you Loves think – do you think we don’t see more plus size beauties in campaigns like this do to the extra cost, the extra effort it takes, or is it a bit of both? Disagree with me? I’d love to hear why!
Kat XO
P.S. Hey Disney! I am so ready to be animated in to a princess – well Queen, I think we nailed the Queen look and I think the world is ready for a plus size Disney figure next to Ursula. What?! A lady can dream can’t she?